Accelerating Engineering and Scientific Discovery by Automated Interpretable Reasoning

Lead investor:


The challenge and opportunity:

At the heart of our mission lies the ambition to create software and algorithms that not only automate processes but also provide clear, understandable insights to fuel innovation and research. Our aim? Mission 10X30 - Pioneering a Tenfold Boost in Science & Engineering Productivity by 2030


A new AI model, Automated Interpretable Reasoning (AIR), combining advances in reinforcement learning, LLMs, and world models. AIR streamlines end-to-end prototype development, with a primary focus on the largest segments of semiconductor-based hardware.


The scientific method stands as one of humanity's most remarkable achievements, guiding us through a journey of understanding via iterative experimentation and evidence-driven deduction. In a mere fraction of Earth's history - less than 0.001% - this methodology has propelled us from the Industrial Revolution to the digital age. Now, with the emergence of artificial intelligence, we stand at a crossroads: a future where AI replaces humans, or one where AI empowers us through Automated Interpretable Reasoning.

Axiomatic_AI’s AIR is grounded in evidence-driven deduction based on the foundations of physics and mathematical deduction.  Axiomatic_AI launched in 2024 with a team of leading engineers, physicists, and computer science experts. With collective ventures valued at over $3 billion, our founders share a common mission: that to solve the big problems facing our world, we must dramatically speed the pace of research and technological advancement – by empowering human ingenuity.

Info and requests:

Join Us in Rethinking R&D in the AI Era:
Ready to reshape the landscape of research and development?

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What we have been up to…

Founders and Strategic Advisors

  • Dirk Englund

    Professor, MIT EECS Quantum technologies, AI acceleration
    QuEra Computing, Lightmatter, Dust Identity, QuNETT

  • Marin Soljačić

    Professor, MIT Physics
    Nanophotonics and Al.
    Founder of Lightelligence and WiTricity (raised $500 million)

    MacArthur "genius" fellow

  • Frank Koppens

    Professor, ICFO Physics
    Photonics and Quantum Technologies
    Co-founder Qurv Technologies

  • Alán Aspuru-Guzik

    Professor, U of Toronto CS & Chemistry
    Al for chemistry, quantum information, and material discovery
    Co-founder of Zapata Computing, Kebotix. Intrepid Labs

  • Joyce Poon

    Joyce Poon

    (Partner + Advisor)

    Director, Max Planck Institute Professor, U of Toronto ECE
    Integrated photonics for computing & neuroscience)

  • Dr Amir Ghadimi

    (Partner + advisor)

    PhD EPFL
    Expert in integrated photonics and precision metrology, CEO and co-founder Lightium

Meet the Boston team

  • Ben

    PhD Dartmouth
    AI Research Engineer

  • Ethan

    MA MIT
    AI Research Engineer

  • Ivana

    Part-time HR

  • Leo

    Office Manager

  • Bryan Pyo

    MEng MIT
    Research Engineer

Meet the Barcelona team

  • Bernardo

    AI software engineer

  • Kevin

    Product manager

  • Pim

    AI developer

  • Tymoteusz

    AI developer

  • Borja

    AI developer

  • Max

    AI Reasoning developer

  • Jacob

    Senior full-stack developer

  • Donato

    AI developer

  • Armando

    AI developer

Meet the Toronto team

  • Neel Choksi

    Research Engineer
    AI Reasoning

  • Nikita Dvornik

    Lead AI Scientist

Job Openings